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Monday, July 09, 2007

Version 0.49 Released

Needs New Resource Pack v0.49!

Another big batch of bugs and features to get out to you guys. I'm seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, and its inspired me to work even harder on this stuff! I've very nearly cleared out all the issues on the bug tracker for RealmSpeak, and that's pretty darned nice. Granted, there's still a number of bugs that crash the game that I've never been able to nail down, but I think that a lot of the stability I've been building into the code lately, will make those bugs more and more rare.

Big new thing in this version, is a feature that's been needed since day one: character blocking. Yes, at long last, you can block your buddies, and block monsters to your hearts content. Simply turn on the blocking feature for each of your characters, and other characters will require approval to pass through your clearing. Unless, of course, they are hidden, and you haven't found hidden enemies. I added a couple of new icons to the character frame to account for BLOCKED status, and whether or not you've found hidden enemies.

The other big thing in this release, is the ability to do trades/rearrangement after combat, but before the new day. Look for the "Day End Trades" checkbox on your character frame to enable this feature. Turn it on, and you'll have an opportunity every evening to trade amongst your characters, and/or rearrange your belongings.

Most of the rest of this release, is really just fixing bugs. Here's what's new:

  • [75],[313] - Characters can block other characters now
    • Each character has a "BLOCK ON/OFF" button on their frame
    • When this button is active, all characters passing through your clearing must get approval before continuing with their turn
    • If you are the blocking character, a "Block Now!" button will appear that will allow you to determine whether or not to block.
    • Once approval has been given, the only way to reset, is to turn the button off, and then on again
    • Midnight resets all block buttons
    • You cannot block hidden characters, unless you have found hidden enemies that day

  • [313] - Characters can block monsters now
    • Activate the "BLOCK ON" button when moving through clearings with monsters
    • If there are monsters to block, a "Block Now!" button will appear
    • Pressing the button gives you an opportunity to block the monsters in your clearing

  • New icons in character frame
    • Block icon shows if you've been blocked
    • Hidden Enemies icon shows if you've found hidden enemies - mouse over to see who, if you found enemies using magic sight

  • Battle Builder has new option to specify whether the character has "Found Hidden Enemies" or not
  • [552] - New "Day End Trades" checkbox on every character frame, allows players to do trades/rearrangements once combat has ended (but before MIDNIGHT)
  • [618] - Missions are affected by season now (if you are playing seasons).

  • [854] - Using a color chit during the actions phase will no longer disable the run button.
  • Daily Combat button state will be remembered when you save/load a game.
  • [360],[406] - Added a "flip" hotspot to the luring stage for hirelings, to allow the owner to choose their initial side.
  • [557] - When doing random assignment, you can no longer add monsters to natives with a Red-side-up T Monster on their sheet.
  • [861] - Trading the belt of strength while activated no longer leaves your chits in the enhanced state.
  • [855] - Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented you from flying away after transforming.
  • [508] - When you have multiple inert absorb essence spells, you will get to choose which one becomes active when you are in the presence of a permanent color source.
  • [814] - The strength of the transmorph spells are now considered when dealing with conflicts (ie., Absorb Essence cannot overpower Transform)
  • [753] - "Wish You Were Elsewhere" will properly cancel combat targets on the wished victim.
  • [619] - Map of Lost Castle and Lost City no longer give you the bonus BEFORE the chits are discovered.
  • [862] - Problem with Discover Chits in a tile with Lost Castle or Lost City before chit reveal, is fixed.
  • When you are energizing an inert Transform, or just looking at the spell info, you can now see the target animal (Dragon, Lion, Eagle, Squirrel, Frog, or Bird) that it will turn you into.
  • [863] - The "End Game" menu item now reads "Exit Game" to distinguish it from the END game button, which does an entirely different thing.
  • [774] - Hired Leaders that find hidden enemies during the day can be deployed to hidden targets during combat now.
  • Charging a hidden character now requires that you find hidden enemies.
  • Switched the wording and logic on the "Decline Opportunity" dialog, so that it doesn't require a voting mentality to figure out which way to go.
  • [796] - Fixed a nasty bug that would crash combat anytime an unhired native HQ was killed, and grudges/gratitudes is in play.
  • [793] - Denizens transformed into mist become unassigned, and cannot be randomly assigned, lured, or deployed against.
  • [858] - Fixed the mission logic for multiple boards.
  • Fixed a issue that was causing missions/campaign from BOTH boards to be summoned
  • [829] - Fixed cross-board specials
    • Lost Keys match to Vault and Chest from same board
    • Maps of Lost City/Castle match chits from same board

  • Pressing END game does some additional work:
    • [799] - All Missions/Campaigns that are underway are expired, and the owning characters punished appropriately.
    • [537] - All spells (of every type) are cancelled.

  • [624],[818] - Treasure setup card improvements:
    • Visitors are all available in the sidebar
    • All cache's appear on the sidebar
    • If the cache belongs to you, you can see all the treasures face up.

  • [669] - When buying items that are worth less than zero from a native group (commerce rules), they will give you the difference in gold to take it off their hands.
  • [806] - Witch's familiar can follow the witch when she flies
  • [729] - Shielded Lantern, when activated in a cave with the Timeless Jewel, will properly show a bonus phase in the display.
  • [521] - Native horses no longer grant an extra move in the caves.
  • [866] - Positioning stage is enabled every round of combat (used to only show when there was somebody targeted). This will enable the strategy of extending combat while hidden, by playing two asterisks during this stage.
  • [792] - Followers that get blocked, can still finish the follow activities.
  • "Find Hidden Enemies and Paths" Peer result was NOT setting the hidden enemies flag (Only "Find Hidden Enemies" was).

What's next you ask? Think "Treachery"... :-)

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