Here's what's new:
- Right-clicking on map brings up a pop-up menu to allow you to specify which chits are shown, and which are not
- RandomAssignment phase doesn't cause luring to fail in proceeding rounds of combat
- Dwarf (without the house rule) no longer does sun actions
- Mists (Melt into Mist) can only Move, Hide, or Follow, as per the rules
- Pruitt's Monsters prowl correctly (I had forgotten to specify the correct prowling monster die for these new monsters!)
- Combat detail now correctly identifies when a horse is hit and/or killed
- Fixed a bug that caused strange behavior when getting opportunity or trouble rolls on the meeting tables
- Spells that don't target Character or Denizen, no longer cause the spellcaster to become unhidden (ie., REMEDY, DISSOLVE SPELL)
- Hired Native Leaders no longer meet the requirement for summoning a visitor chit
- Transformed characters use color images (when that option is active)
- Items in inventory stay activated/inactivated when transformed (though frozen and unavailable)
- You can FLY to the same tile now without getting the error "Target tile too far away."
- Fixed a problem that was causing a slowdown when a player is between clearings
- Fixed a problem when several characters are running from a clearing at once
- Multiple simultaneous attacks no longer pass through armor and horses
- Added some text to describe the damage or destruction of armor
- Fixed problem where Encounter Stage was getting skipped when dissolving an Absorb Essence spell
- Fixed issues surrounding Transmorphed characters and fatigued chits
- Cannot rest chits while transformed
- Are not affected by Flowers of Rest while transformed
- Cannot rest chits while transformed
- Activate Potions are no longer dropped when you are killed (they go to the specified visitor)
- Treasure cards (Bejeweled Dwarf Vest, Golden Crown, Golden Arm Band) will now properly increase a character's gold amount when destroyed during combat.
- PEACE result from WISH table no longer ends combat immediately: you get the normal two rounds of combat to do actions
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